body | color | collections | commodity | cube | document | fabric | fetish | gender | glass | home | identity | living | machine | metal | minimal | mobility | narrative | olfactory | organic |
pain | paper | plastic | plugs | power | protective | rectangular | ritual | round | sound | souvenir | spiritual | style | text-based | time | tool | touch | uniform | value | visual | warm | wood
Compact Disc: Lou Reed: New York | |||
Narrative: Copper sourced from Chile, Peru, or Ecuador and produced in a factory in the United States; aluminum from Russia or China; polycarbonate plastic from California, South Africa, Somalia, South Korea, or Germany; boxite from Australia, and parts assembled in a factory in the United States. Petroleum refineries; Power generation and supply; Plastics material and resin manufacturing; Coal mining; Alumina refining and primary aluminum production; Other basic organic chemical manufacturing; Oil and Gas extraction; Motor vehicle parts and manufacturing; Truck transportation; Oil and gas extraction; Iron and steel mills. Land use includes: Logging; Forest nurseries, forest products, and timber tracts; Cattle ranching and farming. Sire Records is an American record label, owned by Warner Music Group and distributed through Warner Brothers Records. Time Warner Entertainment Group (currently the largest entertainment company in the industry) owns the Warner Music Group. Warner Brothers Records began as an attempt to control music in the film industry during the 20s. Distributed, sold, and then resold. Purchased used in Portland, Oregon by Gabriel Sass who left it at my apartment. It traveled with me to Connecticut and then to New York City, from Brooklyn to Queens to the Waterpod to Manhattan to Brooklyn.