body | color | collections | commodity | cube | document | fabric | fetish | gender | glass | home | identity | living | machine | metal | minimal | mobility | narrative | olfactory | organic |
pain | paper | plastic | plugs | power | protective | rectangular | ritual | round | sound | souvenir | spiritual | style | text-based | time | tool | touch | uniform | value | visual | warm | wood
Compact Disc: Flowchart1 - multi-personality tabletop vacation | |||
Narrative: Copper sourced from Chile, Peru, or Ecuador and produced in a factory in the United States; aluminum from Russia or China; polycarbonate plastic from California, South Africa, Somalia, South Korea, or Germany; boxite from Australia, and parts assembled in a factory in the United States. The larger supply chain includes: Petroleum refineries; Power generation and supply; Plastics material and resin manufacturing; Coal mining; Alumina refining and primary aluminum production; Oil and Gas extraction; Motor vehicle parts and manufacturing; Truck transportation; Iron and steel mills. Carrot Top Records is a Chicago-based independent record label owned and operated by Patrick Monaghan. I bought this CD new in Boston Massachusetts, moved it to Portland, Oregon, to Rotterdam, Netherlands, to New York City. It was stored in an attic in Somers, Connecticut for three years. I'm currently living with it in Brooklyn.