

spacerbody | color | collections | commodity | cube | document | fabric | fetish | gender | glass | home | identity | living | machine | metal | minimal | mobility | narrative | olfactory | organic |
spacerpain | paper | plastic | plugs | power | protective | rectangular | ritual | round | sound | souvenir | spiritual | style | text-based | time | tool | touch | uniform | value | visual | warm | wood

spacer DVD: From Mao To Mozart - Isaac Stern in China spacer  

Narrative: Copper sourced from Chile, Peru, or Ecuador and produced in a factory in the United States; aluminum from Russia or China; polycarbonate plastic from California, South Africa, Somalia, South Korea, or Germany; boxite from Australia, and parts assembled in a factory in the United States.

The larger supply chain includes: Petroleum refineries; Power generation and supply; Plastics material and resin manufacturing; Coal mining; Alumina refining and primary aluminum production; Oil and Gas extraction; Motor vehicle parts and manufacturing; Truck transportation; Iron and steel mills.

From Mao to Mozart: Isaac Stern in China is a 1980 documentary film about Western culture breaking into China produced and directed by Murray Lerner. It portrays the famous violinist and music teacher Isaac Stern as the first American musician to collaborate with the China Central Symphony Society (Now China National Symphony Orchestra). The film won the 1980 Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature. It was also screened out of competition at the 1981 Cannes Film Festival. New Video, a Cinedigm company, is a leading entertainment distributor and the largest aggregator of independent digital content worldwide. Headquartered in New York City, with an international presence in 45 territories, the company delivers feature films, TV programs and web originals via digital download, streaming, video-on-demand, Blu-ray, DVD, and theatrical release.

I rented From Mao to Mozart from Netflix, subsequently lost it, reported it lost, and found it when I moved from Queens to the Waterpod. It came with me from Queens to the Waterpod to Manhattan to Brooklyn. I still haven't watched it.







mary mattingly

